How Much is a 2 Carat Diamond Worth?

How Much is a 2 Carat Diamond Worth?

What Really Matters?

What Really Matters?

If the value and price of a diamond are influenced by the 4Cs (cut, color, clarity, and carat), then how much is a two-carat diamond worth?

A two-carat diamond offered by Brilliance starts at around $5,000 and then increases many times over. Why is there such a variance in price if the size or weight is the same? Diamonds bearing the same carat weight can differ in price because of the:

  • Clarity
  • Color
  • Cut
  • Shape

What Really Matters?
Some "Clarity" on a Diamond's Worth

Some "Clarity" on a Diamond's Worth

When carat weight is considered equal among two or more diamonds, other factors may push cost and value up or down. Clarity is one area of a diamond that can affect both the beauty and the price of a diamond.

How is clarity measured and analyzed? When grading clarity, gemologists look at both the internal and external features of a stone under magnification to find any blemishes, inclusions or other imperfections. These details are noted in a grading report and aid the gemologist in determining a clarity grade for that particular stone.

Some "Clarity" on a Diamond's Worth
Get that Clarity Certified!

Get that Clarity Certified!

There are numerous gemological laboratories that grade diamonds for certification, and one of the most well-known is the Gemological Institute of America (or GIA)

When diamonds are analyzed for certification by the GIA, they will receive a clarity grade from a scale that ranges from Flawless to Included. The GIA’s clarity grades are as follows:

  • Flawless (FL)
  • Internally Flawless (IF)
  • Very Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2)
  • Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2)
  • Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2)
  • Included (I1, I2 and I3)

Get that Clarity Certified!
It's Better to be Flawless!

It's Better to be Flawless!

A Flawless diamond is almost entirely perfect. As a “perfect” diamond is extremely rare in nature, this grade could significantly bump up the price and value of the stone. An Internally Flawless stone is nearly perfect and exhibits only the tiniest of blemishes. As the scale and grades decline, the flaws (both blemishes and inclusions) become more prominent under magnification.

However, a stone graded Included could have issues that might be noticeable without magnification. This grade, according to the GIA, is really the only grade that contains flaws that could impact “transparency and brilliance.” If you’re shopping for a two-carat diamond and you wish to save a little money, you can downgrade the clarity to SI for a better value.

It's Better to be Flawless!
Beauty Lies in the Cut!

Beauty Lies in the Cut!

Gem laboratories also grade stones based on their cut. How a two-carat diamond is cut can affect beauty and brilliance, too. If a stone is cut too deep or with asymmetrical proportions, the reflection and refraction of light might be impaired.

Diamonds that feature fancy shapes like Marquise, pear, and heart also need to be cut precisely to ensure that the shape remains sharp. An improperly cut marquise or pear could resemble an oval. Each diamond shape also has ideal measurements that ensure the beauty of the stone. These proportions aren’t just about the shape of the stone but the anatomy of the diamond. The girdle cannot be too thick or too thin, and the table and depth of the stone also must be proportionate.

Beauty Lies in the Cut!
Go For the Perfect Cut!

Go For the Perfect Cut!

A poor cut will likely affect the beauty and brilliance of the diamond, and this, in turn, will lower the value (and perhaps the price tag). 

What are the grades for Cut? Per the GIA, cut grades include (from best to worst):

  • Excellent
  • Very Good
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor

For optimal beauty, choose diamonds that are graded Good or higher. Although a Fair grade may help you save money on that two-carat stone, you should request a photo or see it in person so you know exactly what you’re about to purchase.

Go For the Perfect Cut!
Coloring in the Value

Coloring in the Value

While clarity and cut both may affect the beauty of a two-carat stone, the color grade is an area where beauty is blurred. Why? Some buyers want colorless diamonds, but others think a little warmth to the stone is just fine.

Diamonds are graded in color by the GIA according to an alphabetical scale, beginning with D (which is colorless) and ending in Z (which is very yellow). This scale, however, does not include Fancy colored diamonds, which have their own grading system.

Coloring in the Value
Color Me Perfect!

Color Me Perfect!

As the warmth of the hue increases, the price might decrease. For this reason, buyers may decide to downgrade color so that they can afford a larger diamond or a stone that is rated higher in other areas (like cut and clarity).

Color preference is largely subjective, so when buyers want that larger carat weight, this is one of the first grades they might sacrifice. However, don’t assume that you can go as low as Z on the grade scale. Many jewelers limit how low they will go regarding color; for two-carat diamonds, Brilliance does not offer any diamonds that are graded beyond M on the color scale.

Color Me Perfect!
Beyond the Four C's

Beyond the Four C's

When pricing two-carat diamonds, though, buyers also need to look beyond the 4Cs. Colors and shapes include fancy varieties, too.

Fancy shaped diamonds include marquise, heart, pear, and ovals. These unique shapes may increase or decrease the value and price of the stone.  Heart, for example, isn’t an in-demand shape, and this could mean a deal for a two-carat diamond. Shapes like Asscher and cushion may be priced higher, though, as these shapes have a vintage appearance and are very much in vogue for engagement rings. Trendier shapes bump up the prices.

Beyond the Four C's
Get a Little Fancy!

Get a Little Fancy!

However, round brilliant diamonds also command a higher price. While this shape isn’t necessarily a trend-setter, the fire of the shape keeps it in constant demand. Round brilliant diamonds offer the most brilliance of all shapes, and they remain a favorite among buyers for this reason.

Fancy colored diamonds also may command a higher price. Colorful diamonds are rare, and this makes them valuable. Fancy colors include yellow, orange, brown, pink, gray and green. Typically, the deeper and more saturated the hue, the higher the price for these stones.

Get a Little Fancy!
How Fancy Can You Be?

How Fancy Can You Be?

How much is a fancy colored diamond? A two-carat pink diamond from Brilliance typically commands six figures. The price can vary greatly because of the hue saturation and other factors.

A 2.00 ct Fancy Pink radiant-shaped diamond with SI1 clarity and a Very Good cut could be priced at more than $349,000. However, a fancy light purplish pink cushion shaped diamond weighing 2.2 ct featuring an S12 clarity and Good cut could be priced at more than $117,000. Again, the price varies dramatically.

How Fancy Can You Be?
Know Your Budget!

Know Your Budget!

How much is a two-carat diamond worth? The answer is…it depends. Many factors influence the price and value of a diamond. A diamond’s grade for cut, clarity, and color all impact its overall value. When you’re shopping for a two-carat diamond, setting a budget is extremely important as the prices can vary considerably. Know exactly how much you plan to spend, and stay within your limitations.

It’s so easy to become captivated by the beauty of a stone, but larger diamonds are rare. This means that their price will always be more of an investment. When you select a two-carat diamond that has flawless Clarity, an excellent Cut and is absent of any yellow hue, the price tag will reflect the rarity and perfection of the stone.

Know Your Budget!
Time to Pick the Perfect Diamond!

Time to Pick the Perfect Diamond!

Buying a two-carat diamond on a tight budget might be difficult, as you may have to sacrifice many factors that affect the beauty and quality of the stone. When you opt for a budget stone that features a low clarity grade or warmer color, ask to see it before you buy (picture or in person). Those blemishes could be incredibly visible and the color may be warmer than you expect.

Remember, a two-carat diamond is an investment. So do your research and take your time on the treasure hunt for your perfect stone.

Time to Pick the Perfect Diamond!

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